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Are you worried about how you can break up with a nice guy without hurting him? Do you want to get rid of the guilt? First things first: There is no one-step, easy maneuver to break up with a nice...
Why Do I Attract Married Men? | Reasons & What To Do About It
If you attract married men, why do you think something is wrong with you? There are many stories of women who attract married men like honey attracts flies. You attract married men because they...
We appreciate you for taking the step to know more about dating an alcoholic. It is challenging and it takes courage to seek help when you have no idea what to do. While dating an alcoholic, the...
People prefer calling over texting because of many reasons, as both have their pros and cons. While others are hardcore text enthusiasts and hate calling due to very valid reasons. If he calls you...
A relationship with a boyfriend where love feels monotonous might make you want to sleep with someone else. We understand that physical intimacy declines with time. It's not unnatural to love your...
The love of your life became your ex one day. You imagined being with them forever, but life had different plans. It is normal to still love your ex even after a long time. Love is something in...